Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My Most Anticipated 2014 movies

Hello again loyal readers, and welcome to another edition of Dustin's Dirty Dozen. It has been a while since I have done a list, but I realized that I never made a list for the movies I am most excited for in the 2014 year. I know it is a little late but the only other thing that would have made the list (that has already come out) was "The Lego Movie." So, let's get hyped for what is to come in the year.

12) The Boxtrolls

This movie is another in the long line of claymation, stop motion pictures that have come out over the years. From the same company that brought us the amazing "Paranorman" and the underrated "Coraline," we are given another fantasy romp filled with months upon years of carefully created characters. I like that in the age of CGI and 3D I can still be excited for an art style that is considered "dated" (more or less).

11) Transcendence

"Ghost in the Machine" as played by Johnny Depp.... I think I said enough there. I can only hope that Johnny Depp has no creative authority in this. If he did I guess that the main character would have some sort of hat on. Nothing against his acting (except that it has become stagnant lately), but his creative input has been known to drag down movies.

10) Muppets: Most Wanted

If this is anything like the first movie I know that I will be rolling on the ground laughing. The Muppets have never disappointed me; from their time in Manhattan, to them sailing around on Pirate ships I have loved every part of The Muppets. This newest installment seems to derive (in some small part) off of "The Great Muppet Caper," and if that is true at all we can all look forward to seeing a great movie.

9) Maleficent

Seeing Angelina Jolie in her costume already makes me excited to see this movie. Even more than that, I know I can expect a good story line. Any time I get to see a classic story told from the perspective of the villain my ears perk up, then we see how much attention to detail went into the character creation/set, and we have my hopes at a skyrocketing high.

8) Godzilla

This is your chance America. This is your chance to prove that you know how to make a Godzilla movie. Please no cameos from Matthew Broderick, or any of the original cast from your first, horrible attempt. The audience will just be pissed off that you reminded them of that failure. I don't know how HALO jumpers stand a chance against a monster as big as a skyscraper, but your preview has me intrigued. 

7) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I wouldn't say I am a huge TMNT fan. I followed the old series, read some of the comic books, and had some of the toys. I never got into the newer series, but I loved the old movies. With an interesting cast of William Fichtner as The Shredder (Good), Danny Woodburn as Splinter (Interesting), Megan Fox as April O' Neal (that is a bad), and no mention of Casey Jones (one of my favorite characters, so another bad). My feelings on this are up and down.

6) The Hobbit: There and Back Again

It is the final installment of the series, who wouldn't be excited for this? Unless you are one of those weird people that isn't into "Lord of the Rings." The last movie left us on a bit of a cliffhanger, and I am pretty confident that Peter Jackson can't drum up any other Lord of the Rings movies after this, so we finally get to conclude the series.

5) X-Men: Days of Future Past

When I first saw the trailer for this, my body tingled. Ever since that moment, I have seen the preview many more times, and I get the same reaction. We are finally being introduced to Bolivar Trask, which means we might get to see some legitimate Sentinel fighting. We get to see the cast from "X-Men: First Class" meet the original cast, which is an extremely promising concept. I cannot wait to see Ian McKellan talk to his past self Michael Fassbender, and Patick Stewart talk to his past self James McAvoy. I just keep thinking of the side conversations between the actors like "look at how this is done, boy."

4) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

With the major success of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," I can't not be excited to see what happens in the sequel. This seems to be when the apes actually take over the world, so I don't know if we will be treated to another rendition of the "YOU DAMN DIRTY APES!" line, but it certainly looks like another amazing movie.

3) Guardians of the Galaxy

Before you ask. Yes, this is (in some part) due to having finally been treated to the trailer for this movie. I did like "The Guardians of the Galaxy" comic book, but the idea of a movie seemed like they were reaching. Then I saw awesome scenes with Rocket Raccoon shooting a bunch of people, and my uneasiness was put to bed. Seriously, I don't know how they did it, but Rocket looks like one of the most badass characters Marvel has had. He is a talking raccoon, with a sentient tree as a traveling buddy. How did they make him seem so amazing?

2) Captain America: Winter Soldier

If you are not completely and utterly thrilled when you watch the trailer for the new Captain America movie, there is something wrong with you. This concept will make the hairs on anybody stand on end. I don't care if you are not a Captain America fan, this is being a fan of anything that has to do with action or comic books.

1) Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

I have been waiting for this movie for what seems like an eternity. This sequel has taken almost ten years to come to fruition, and finally the fans of the original are rewarded for their patience. We have a date, we have a cast, Frank Miller is still directing along side Robert Rodriguez, all we need now (to cement it) is a trailer. Whatever movie gods are out there need to give us one soon.

Honorable Mention) Gone Girl

David Fincher. A book I have never heard of, and David Fincher. Should be an instant classic, just like the rest of his work.