Friday, August 1, 2014

Top 12 Movie and Television fandoms

Hello and welcome to another edition of Dustin's Dirty Dozen, for the first time featured on Dustin's Disastrous Decisions. This is the first time I have done a list in a while so bare with me, but I had to do this (mainly because I might have offended one or two of these fandoms in my time on Facebook). The merit of this list is based on how much I have heard about it in my time on social media and what it has accomplished in it's time. If you are looking for impacts on society or what have you check another list.

12) Scoobies

Lasting for ten seasons "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fans were never satiated. I might have been a little biased on this since I am personally a Scooby, but I have to look at the proof here. Joss Whedon was basically forced into continuing the series because fans could not shut up about the shows. You can still find people re-watching this series to this day, and it ended almost eleven years ago. Back in the day, a show being focused mainly on fantasy and being this popular was unheard of. So yeah I guess it earned its place.

11) Tributes

I didn't hear even ten percent as much about the first movie as I did the second movie. I had people giving the three fingers sign to me on deployment, and I wouldn't have expected half of these men to be into the series. This series has clamped onto society so much that the production company has seen a gold mine and split the final chapter into two installments. Merchandise flies off the shelves, and you see members of this fandom with a Mockingjay or giving each other the hand signal in a hallway. Not the biggest fandom I have seen by far, but if this keeps growing I might have to rewrite this list.

10) Colbert Nation

This man would be nothing without his fans. He would still be funny, but I highly doubt he would be getting the spot David Letterman has held for so long if not for the support of his fans. That is what they accomplished. They got this man into one of the most coveted comedic positions on television, and that is a big success.

9) Bronies

I am used to seeing "Star Wars" figurines fly off shelves, or fans waiting for the store to open on the day the figurine shipment comes in, or even (sometimes) reserving figures. I never thought I would see "My Little Pony" merchandise fly off the shelves faster than that did. Some Bronies get jobs at shopping centers just so they can be guaranteed a new figure of their favorite pony. This is also probably the most mocked fandom I have ever seen, (I never mocked them persay, I was just confused as to what they were and why they were such a big deal... I was educated by fans don't worry). The message these people preach is nice, and I can respect their fandom. Not long ago people said the same thing about comic book readers.

8) Twihards

Yes. Yes. Say what you will but I wouldn't have crossed a "twilight" fan back in the day. They were some of the most loyal, endearing fans I ever got to witness, and that is saying a lot. Yes, they were a bit intense; but, intensity is a good thing for a fandom. This book series merited five movies, four books, hundreds of thousands of fan websites, millions upon millions of dollars, and a civil war (don't know how else to describe the whole "Team Edward Vs. Team Jacob" thing). The fact that people kept talking about this on and on, and the accomplishments I mentioned more than make this a worthy addition.

7) Unsullied

I guess the fact that this fandom is so new is the reason I keep hearing the general populace scream about it from the top of their lungs. The accomplishments for this are a little less legal ("most pirated show"), also a little vague (it has been RUMORED the author of the book series is issuing another book because of the show's popularity). Mainly the reason this is up here is because of how many people I hear obsessing over this show. I kind of want to give it my own reward "Most spoiled show in history." (Since people love to spoil the television show for viewers that fall behind or haven't read the book).

6) Ringers

So, they made the first three movies and forgot A LOT of characters, but they still made three great movies that people went nuts over. Nine years after the release of the final installment Peter Jackson had to get back on the train, and make three more films about the first book. That is my accomplishment for this movie, the fact that the fans screamed so loud, they got more. Not unheard of and not the first time, but the community is so large they are hard to ignore. Oh and most community members can speak Elvish, also not unheard of to memorize a fictional language, but impressive.

5) Browncoats

Yes. The "Firefly" television show was cancelled after one season, we are all still grieving (I am also a browncoat...sue me); but, what happened after this show was cancelled? Fans went out in droves, creating website, after website. Used gorilla marketing for the home release of the series. Got every friend or family member they could together, and had the studio make a movie to finish up the series. I give this series all the credit in the world for fighting as hard as they did. It is ridiculous to think that a show that only lasted one season got so many people enthralled that they made a movie and are currently working on a game.  You just can't take the sky away from Browncoats. (had to say it)

4) Whovians

This is the longest running sci-fi series I know of. This is the second most talked about television show I currently have cluttering my Facebook wall. Fans are loyal to this series regardless of what happens, regardless of what the studio does, and will fight tooth and nail for its continuation. Hearing about all of the people into this show makes me wish I had given it a shot; but, I have way too many fandoms as it is. Hope you guys enjoy your new Doctor.

3) Potterheads

So the book series that got an entire generation into reading got a movie made after it (of course). The people that follow this series talk about the houses they identify with more than their major in college. They made the fictional sport of quidditch into a real game. They have memorized the spells in these books and have mock-duels. Universal Studios keeps on adding more to the Harry Potter section, because the fans just can't get enough of that part of the theme park. The author had to continue the series with Pottermore, so the fans would stop beating her door down with questions (I assume). I like Harry Potter, but these people are true die hard fans and I have to respect it.

2) Trekkies

Elvish? Try Klingon. Yeah, the original fictional language fans memorized. The accomplishments of this are too many to go into detail for so I am going to list a few. 2 brand new movies making the count for this: five different series (six if you include the animated one) and twelve films, conventions, merchandise flying off the shelves, the war between Wars and Trek, the civil war between the original series and TNG (more accurately Kirk Vs. Pickard). Countless more but that is a few. These people have been dedicated, and passed that dedication down to their children.

1) Star Wars Fans

Yeah. This one is definitely bigger. I know you are wondering how this can be the biggest fandom when a lot of fans hated the most recent three movie. Fans don't necessarily hate the new films, they just use it as a generational divider. Older generation likes the old three; younger likes the other three. The fact is that everything with the "Star Wars" name has made money and (usually) has been adored by fans. Video games, cartoons, merchandise. They have even created their own holiday, and have a following of troops called the 501st that do events for fans. This film has accomplished so much that it kind of blacks out everything else in the fandom universe. I am not just saying this because I am Star Wars nut, I love Star Trek too (weird right? kind of like a Romeo and Juliet unto myself). I am saying this because the Star Wars fans are the most vocal group ever.

Honorable Mention) Gleeks

Only reason this didn't make the list was because it fell off the radar. Still heard a lot about it when it first came out.

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