Sunday, December 7, 2014

Most anticipated movies coming out in 2015

Hello all, due to this week having no movies that were released in a theater near me, I decided to be productive in another way. You are going to be seeing a lot of lists come out this year, from a lot of different critics. I will not be releasing my "Best and Worst of 2014" list, until January; but, there are a shit ton of movies coming out in 2015 that I am looking forward to. Whether the premise has me intrigued, or the trailer has me frothing out the mouth for more, these movies are what I am looking forward to in the coming year. This list is based off of movies on IMDB, and might change their release date, or plot. With that in mind, let's get hyped up.

12) Jurassic World

Okay, so there is a lot of controversy surrounding this movie. Some people think the dinosaurs should have feathers (don't care if that is more realistic, it is stupid, stop trying to turn velociraptors into big chickens), some people think the hybrid is a stupid idea, and some people think that having trained raptors is impossible. For me, this movie looks fascinating. The plot is that they actually made Jurassic World, and the new generation is so preoccupied with technology that they think dinosaurs are boring (kids today, am I right?), so the scientists at Jurassic World try to make a new dinosaur in hopes it will bring customers back. The side of me that loves dinosaurs is looking forward to seeing Chris Pratt with a gang of raptors, and I am just really (weirdly) excited for this movie.

11) Terminator: Genisys

Old Arnold vs. CGI 1980's Arnold? Do Cyborgs age? How bad ass is Sarah Conner now? Is this T1000 enough to revive the franchise? There are a lot of questions surrounding this movie since the trailer was released. If I was to venture a guess about this movie I would say. Arnold is redoing every movie he ever starred in (it seems), and they are getting desperate for a box office so they brought back the T1000. Even if this movie is just a search for box office dollars, and we are treated to some BS reason as to why we have an old, flabby Terminator, I am still excited.

10) Ant Man

Only reason this is on here right now is because Marvel has yet to thoroughly disappoint me with their new run of movies. I (like most of the world) could care less about Ant Man, and as integral to the comics as Hank Pym was, I am still glad they are going with Scott Lang instead. Pym was the original creator of Ultron, I get it; but, he was also a very dark character, and I would have a hard time believing Paul Rudd could be too dark. This movie has been the victim of bad press since Edgar Wright left the production, so I want to see what movie pushed Edgar away.

9) Peanuts

The trailer sold me on this movie. The art style looked awesome, the peanuts sounded great, and it just had a general feeling of "yeah, this is Peanuts." It seems like they are going to do the old strip some justice, and I can't wait to see a new generation of Peanuts lovers. Another thing that has me intrigued is that I don't see any big acting names attached to this, which leads me to believe that they are going for authenticity.

8) In the Heart of the Sea

Another example of the trailer (and movie poster) selling me on the concept of a movie. Usually, I would see Chris Hemsworth attached to a movie based on Moby Dick and roll my eyes (which I did, when I first heard about this). Now I am filled with questions. Are they going to make Moby Dick the bad guy, or the captain, or both? Is Cillian Murphy going to get the attention he deserves? Are they going for just visual appeal, or are they going to stick to some appealing story? This movie has an opportunity to scare me as well. I don't know why, but I used to have dreams about being trapped in the middle of the ocean, and something very large swallowing me whole.

7) Jupiter Ascending

From Hemsworth to Tatum, from Olde English to Sci-Fi. This movie just looks fascinating. Very rarely do the Wachowshi's disappoint, so when they announce a new movie they have a good amount of my attention. All I know about this movie is what the trailers have revealed to me. Battle for the throne of a different world, someone on this world is the reincarnation of royalty, aliens might have been here before humans came along, Scientology is a fiction book, I get it. Let's see what you can do to impress me when this comes out Wachowski's.

6) Inside Out

I honestly didn't need a running reel of credited films Pixar was responsible for to be excited for this movie, the premise does just fine by me. This has the opportunity of being an unbelievably depressing movie, and if there is one thing Pixar does right it is making kids depressed. The cast of this looks amazing, and Pixar could use a win.

5) Tomorrowland

Disney seems to be on this kick where they love promoting science. This movie might be the culmination of everything they have been working towards. It might be another movie based on a ride from their theme park, and they might be trying to make lighting strike twice like they did with "The Pirates of the Caribbean" series, but, color me interested. Going to see more ideas from Disney on what the future will look like.

4) Chappie

I have loved Neil Blomkamp's film career thus far, so when he starts a movie where it is basically "Short Circuit meets District 9," I'm going to be excited. He hasn't done wrong by me yet, and I haven't seen him do a movie about a robot yet. He is visionary director, so I'm sure this movie will be gold.


New James Bond movie with Christoph Waltz playing a villain. Need I say more?

2) Avengers: Age of Ultron

Joss Whedon is back in the directing chair for this sequel to Avengers. They found a way to introduce Ultron without having to introduce Hank Pym. Hulk Buster Armor. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. No scenes of The Vision yet, but that might be a spoiler thing. Andy Serkis. How can someone not be excited for this movie?

1) Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens

I am a big Star Wars geek. I may not be a J. J. Abrams fan, but even with him at the helm of this project I am excited for more Star Wars. Everything I have heard about this movie, makes it seem like they got it right. I love the new lightsaber, I love that John Boyega looks to be the main character here. I love the Millennium Falcon. I love the Ball Droid. It looks like they mixed old and new seamlessly, and didn't overdue the CGI. This movie might turn out to be what every Star Wars Fan has been waiting for.

May the force be with you,

Honorable Mentions   

Hot Tub Time Machine 2
The first one was fun

A movie where I can enjoy Will Smith without suffering his kids

Furious 7
The Fast and The Furious movies are always a bit out there, so I can't wait to see them try to top themselves again

Pitch Perfect 2
Again the first one was fun.

Mad Max: Fury Road
Tom Hardy taking the place of Gibson? I'm down.

Ted 2
Again the first one was fun. Even if McFarlane hasn't been on his game lately.

Dark Peter Pan origin story? Cool! Say what you want about Black Goatee the pirate, Hugh Jackman and Rooney Mara will do well

Been interested to see where Emma Watson's career is headed. Hopefully this is a good step.

Jack Black as R. L. Stein makes me very nervous, but I am a child of the 90's. If you are telling me the niece of R. L. Stein is going to team up with some kid to defeat characters from The Goosebumps, you can take all of my money.

O.K. Gamers are recruited to take on 1980's video game characters. Movie companies haven't gotten gamer culture right yet, I'm hopeful they do this time because that premise seems awesome.

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