Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Worst Awards

Remember my list from a few days ago, well for every positive there is a negative, for light there is dark, for every good day there is one that makes you want to curse the fates. I am talking of course about the worst movies of 2014. The same rules that applied to yesterday, apply today. I will only be covering movies that I have reviewed in some fashion, and I wasn't able to see everything this year. So, let's get this shit show started with...

Worst Animated

Nominees: Planes: Fire and Rescue; Penguins of Madagascar; Mr. Peabody and Sherman

Winner - Planes: Fire and Rescue

So we all know that I love animation, right? Well this is the dark part of animation. The money grubbing soul stealing, piece of shit, that only exists to turn a profit off of the sheep children that beg their mommy and daddy for a Dusty Crophopper toy. This movie wasn't entertaining on any level to me, and what is worse is that the children in the theater where I was watching were bored and asking when the movie was going to end. When you can't appeal to the target audience you have failed utterly and completely.

Worst Horror

Nominees: Ouija; Devil's Due; Leprechaun: Origins; As Above so Below

Winner - As Above so Below

So, what's worse than a horror movie that never scares you? Could it be a horror movie that never scares you, with home video styled shooting? Well yes, but it is also all of these things, mixed with some of the worst acting you have ever seen in a horror movie (which is saying something), and an ending that is so infuriating it will make you want to give up on the genre entirely. This was a hard choice at first, but at least I can say Ouija and Leprechaun: Origins might get some laughs in the "so bad it is good" department, and Devil's Due tried harder. I looked back at when I first saw this movie, and became so irritated that my choice soon became clear. This movie is an embarrassment, and should be stricken from the records for good.   

Worst Comedy

Nominees:  Dumb and Dumber to; Ride Along; That Awkward Moment; A Million Ways to Die in the West

Winner: Dumb and Dumber: To

Wow, this one hurt to put on here. I mean it is Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels, I was hoping for so much from this movie, despite the feelings in the back of my head telling me not to get my hopes up. I did laugh at one point, but it was only due to me being a child and finding the comedic value in fart jokes. Everyone in this movie seemed so bored to be there, like they were doing someone a favor, and not getting paid for it. There was one good actress in it, but not enough to combat the severe depression the cast seemed to be going through. I hope Jim Carrey gets back on the ball, and I hope for more seasons of The Newsroom, just never revisit this series. For all of us, and for you. 

Worst Action

Nominees: 3 Days to Kill; Need for Speed, Non- Stop

Winner - Need for Speed

How do make your appearance to the big screen, after being a major part of one of the best series in recent memory? Apparently you make a shitty car movie, based on an out of date racing video game. Don't get me wrong if they were to do a movie on this series, I didn't expect to just see people driving around; but, I at least expected some semblance of intrigue. Aaron Paul tried his best (bless his little heart), but the supporting cast was just so bad they made everything seem like it was being put together by an amateur. I can only hope that Aaron starts making better choices for his career, because both movies he was in this year were some of the worst I have seen. 

Worst Comic Book

Nominees: The Amazing Spider-Man 2; Sin City: A Dame to Kill for

Winner - The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Everyone knew this was going to make an appearance. I was going to put Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a nominee, but that movie was so bad I couldn't see a comparison to any medium that the turtles had been in before. The question for this is not what went wrong with the movie, that would take an entire page for me to list in its completely. Instead, what went right? Well.... ummm... it looked pretty. Emma Stone is a good actress... I mean not in this, but she is.  Fine, it is too hard for me to think of the things that went right with this movie. Quick synopsis of what made this movie crap: Jamie Foxx gave one of the worst performances in his career, Andrew Garfield is sill a bad Spider-Man, the Green Goblin, the story, the Rhino, the pacing, the music, almost every single conceivable thing that could have went wrong in this movie did. Fuck this movie off back to hell from whence it came. 

Worst Novel Adaptation

Nominees: Divergent; The Maze Runner

Winner: The Maze Runner

If I wanted to blame Harry Potter and Twilight for anything regarding today's cinematic choices, I have to blame them for the ridiculous onslaught of young adult novel series being turned into movies. This movie had a lot to offer us, but fell short at the finish line. A cast that seemed fair enough, felt crippled by inexperience. An ending that should have done more than try to shock the audience into submission, did little in the ways of making anyone hold interest. This movie was a convoluted mess, and proves the rule that not every series needs a movie. 

Worst Religious

Nominees: Son of God; Exodus: Gods and Kings

Winner - Exodus: Gods and Kings

White washing? Oh no, there is far worse than that here (even though it is pretty bad). The acting was off and broken, with Christian Bale refusing the opportunity to garner some "good will" back from audiences. The effects were laughable for a "high budget, religious film," and the team surrounding them should join the team surrounding Green Lantern under a rock somewhere. The trailers promised audiences everywhere action, and delivered on a whole five minutes of bad fight scenes. It is like the only material that this movie was banking on was: the appeal of religion, and notable actors; but when you are beaten by a movie that has the budget for something straight-to-TV, we have a problem. Now do the honorable thing, and pray for forgiveness. 

Worst Science Fiction

Nominees: Robocop; Transcendence; Godzilla; Transformers: Age of Extinction 

Winner - Robocop

This movie had an uphill battle right from jump street.Trying to recapture an amazingly, classic movie, (when two sequels failed) was never going to be easy. Thinking that a deceptively smart movie with a ton of gore, would do well as a mindless PG-13 action movie was not only the wrong choice, but also insane. I am not a purist when it comes to remaking classic movies; but, at least attempt to try and do the first film some justice. This movie had laughable acting, embarrassing call backs to a far superior film, and did a poor job at replacing the draw of gore with the lack of substance given by CGI. What was the point in this? I don't know.... maybe they were thinking it would be worth a dollar.   

Worst Acting - Male

Nominees: Andrew Garfield: Amazing Spider-Man 2; Christian Bale: Exodus: Gods and Kings; Theo James: Divergent; Mark Wahlberg: Transformers: Age of Extinction

Winner - Mark Wahlberg

"I think we found a Transformer." I think Michael Bay should get an A for effort, but needs to stop. Mark Wahlberg is always going to be a better choice for an action movie than Shia LePlagiarist; but only when he is used right. Using him right is not: relying on his status as a pretty boy actor that looks good in fifty different angles, slamming his fist to the ground in slow motion. I'm actually a fan of Markie Mark nine times out of ten, but this movie gets to join The Happening in "movies that he just should have avoided." or maybe "movies he should have tried harder in." 

Worst Acting - Female

Nominees: Megan Fox: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Kate Upton: The Other Woman; Jessica Alba: Sin City: A dame to Kill for

Winner - Megan Fox

Can anyone think of a reason why this woman can't seem to just call it quits and become a model? This movie is yet another nail in the coffin for her acting career, but I might not want to say that because apparently the "people that like seeing untalented, attractive actresses" is still a target audience. In her time away from acting she didn't seem to learn how to emote, and it is a weird day when I can put Kristen Stewart on a list of best, and call Megan Fox out for emoting. She seemed to want to make fun of herself by playing a news reporter that wanted to be taken for more than just her looks alone; but, there is a way she can be taken more seriously as an actor. It is simple. Either go to acting school, or get out of the damn game. 

Worst Movie

Nominees: As Above so Below; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Exodus: Gods and Kings; The Amazing Spider-Man 2; Ouija

Winner - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

This was a difficult year to try and choose a top spot for "most hated movie," and I wanted to roll a D20 and let fate decide. Instead, I thought about how angry I was after watching, and how long that anger lasted. I have calmed down about every other movie on this list, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles still makes me foam at the mouth with rage. Let's look past the turtles and Master Splinter looking weird, and the horrendous acting. Let's look past Michael Bay. The story for this movie was a shit show. Plot development, backstory, character development, everything about this movie just screamed "We're hear to make money off of the name!" This movie worked on absolutely no level, and it is hard to think of anything that failed more ferociously than this horrendously, awful piece of garbage. I award you no points Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and may god have mercy on your soul.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 Best Awards

Welcome, to the first ever Dustin's Disastrous Decisions' end of the year movie awards. I picked an award format rather than a top ten, so I could mention some movies and performances that impressed me even if they didn't make the cut. You will undoubtedly see less movies on this list than others, that's because I don't have the access some other critics have to movies, and I am stuck with seeing whatever comes to theaters or video on demand. I am going to stick to movies I have reviewed (or did mini reviews of on the Facebook page), so you all aren't left out of anything. So, without further adieu let me get the proceedings started with...

Best Animated

Nominees: The Lego Movie, Big Hero 6, The Boxtrolls, How to Train Your Dragon 2

Winner - The Lego Movie

This is a category that is near and dear to my heart. I made a point to try and see every animated feature that came out this year, so I would have an even list. Luckily, this year was not in short supply of amazing animated pictures. While I loved the other movies, there is no doubting that The Lego Movie was in a separate class entirely. With stellar voice acting, solid jokes for all ages, and an ending that should still not be spoiled it would have been hard for any movie to come close to this.  

Best Horror

Nominees: Annabelle, Oculus, The Quiet Ones

Winner - Annabelle

Meanwhile, in horror, the showing for this year was absolutely abysmal. Basically I had to choose between the movies I hated the least, and I was going to scrap this category (like I did with Romance and Musical... thanks Annie and Into the Woods); but I honestly love horror too much to just not give it a category. Even though this movie broke one of my biggest rules for horror (showing the creature that should remain unseen... seriously read the review), it had just enough tension, and points that caused me to jump, for me to give this the pass. Oculus was nice and original, but this movie just had more appeal. Plus, the baby... at the end... nightmares. 

Best Comedy

Nominees:  Horrible Bosses 2, 22 Jump Street, Neighbors

Winner - 22 Jump Street

Two sequels and a movie with Zac effrom as a lead, what is this world coming to. In all seriousness, the movies mentioned here are hilarious, and 22 Jump Street had me gasping for air and holding my gut throughout most of the run time. The chemistry between Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum has grown stronger since the first movie, and their characters are still the next best comedic duo (for movies). The jokes involve some of the elements seen in the first film, and a fair amount of poking fun at their "sequel status." Doesn't quite hit the mark as well as the first movie, but it this is the best out of the entire year.

Best Action

Nominees: John Wick, The Equalizer; Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Winner - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

So, some people think that the market is going to be over-saturated with comic book movies (due to the bold list DC and Marvel have put out); but as long as the movies can do as well as this (and the other movie you will see on this list) I don't think we have anything to worry about. This movie only had real competition from one other action movie this year (John Wick) and choosing between them was like pulling teeth. In the end, I had to go with the movie that proved how different comic book movies can be from the everyday affair. The choreography was flawless, The Falcon costume was one of the most memorable comic book costumes I have seen, and the story was brilliant. I say give me all the comic book movies you can. One a day would be nice. 

Best Comic Book Adaption

Nominees: Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: Winter Soldiers, X-Men: Days of Future Past

Winner - Guardians of the Galaxy

This category had slightly less competition, although I did want to at least mention the other's I liked. Honestly, what else could take this spot. It was like my two favorite franchises (Star Wars and  Firefly) met and had a baby. That baby went through some moments of obscurity as a comic book, then burst onto the big screen and sent the world into a frenzy. Out of all of the comic books I have read, I never kept current with this one, and now I wish I had, because this movie was just all types of brilliant. The most intense battle scenes I have been privileged to, some of the most creative characters,  and a soundtrack that lay claim to being one of three movie soundtracks I have downloaded (other two are Frozen and Tron: Legacy... Don't shoot). The movie was fun, this movie was exciting, this movie was one of the closest things to perfect I have seen from the comic book world.... and with all of those boasts LET THE HATE COMMENTS COMMENCE!

Best Novel Adaptation

Nominees: Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, Gone Girl, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies

Winner - Gone Girl

Has David Fincher ever done a bad film? If he has, this isn't one of them. As if to tell the world that Ben Affleck might not be the worst choice for Batman, or to tell the world that Neil Patrick Harris is actually a damn good actor, this movie struck critics and audiences alike in a big way. Let me put this out there, Tyler Perry has taken some hits as an actor, and even more as a creator (rightly so) and this movie makes him seem less shitty. The third act is inspiring, the performances are amazing, this movie is like if M. Night Shyamalan actually started to care again.

Best Religious

Nominees: Noah

Winner - Noah (obviously)

So, this is more of a statement category. Not only have their been a lot of comic movies that came out this year (lucky for us), there were a truck load of religious films that found there way to theater screens. Most were god awful, but this movie should be a testament (rimshot) that a movie based on religious materials can be be great. They may have tweaked the story a bit, but as you should know, every religion has a flood story.... I don't know, this could have been one. Great performances, great visuals, yada yada yada, make more religious crap like this. 

Best Science Fiction

Nominees: Guardians of the Galaxy, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Edge of Tomorrow

Winner - Guardians of the Galaxy

This may be the flaw in my awards list. You can see above for this entry, in all honesty I just wanted to at least mention Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and Edge of Tomorrow. Both great films, but again no contest here.

Best Acting - Male

Nominees: Michael Parks: Tusk, Jake Gyllenhaal: Nightcrawler, Matthew McConaughey: Interstellar, J.K. Simmons: Whiplash

Winner - Michael Parks

The movie Tusk took some justified beatings by a fair amount of critics, but I still enjoyed my time with this film. Yes, Jake Gyllenhaal was great, Yes, McConaughey was one of the few good things about Interstellar, and yes, J.K. Simmons gave Michael a run for his money, but the performance Parks put forth here was just too great for me to ignore. There is a lot of hate for Smith as a director, and believe me, I am no uber-fanboy (regardless of me following him on Twitter), Parks' performance had nothing to do with ill will or love. Just a cold hard fact that he cranked his acting muscle into overdrive for this movie. If you didn't like this pick, then you won't like some of the picks for...

Best Acting - Female

Nominees: Eva Green: Sin City a Dame to Kill For/300: Rise of an Empire, Emma Watson: Noah, Jennifer Lawrence: Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1, Kristen Stewart: Camp X-Ray

Winner - Eva Green

So, I originally just wanted to combine the two genders into one category, but there were so many great performances here I couldn't help but split it. Shouldn't have mentioned Kristen Stewart? Hey, she is perfectly typecast for most roles she is in, and that suits me just fine, can't hold Twilight against her forever. Eva Green had not only one fantastic performance, but two jaw-dropping, amazing performances this year. Seems like she wanted to burst onto the scene as a highly sexualized presence, being as how I don't really enjoy that aspect of women I had to look at her as an actor. She nailed the Dame, and damn near brought Athens to its knees. What's more to ask from her?

Best Movie

Nominees: Whiplash, Guardians of the Galaxy, Chef, The Lego Movie, Gone Girl

Winner - Whiplash

I saw Chef catching some shit too, and wanted to put it as my movie of the year out of spite; but, this movie was just too good to not be my top movie. Ladies and gentleman, let me just take you on  the emotional journey you will go through with this movie. Anger at the teacher, regret for agreeing with his tactics or disagreeing with them, sorrow for the student, joy for the student, hate, love, this movie is a god damn roller coaster of emotions. J. K. Simmons puts forth one of the greatest performances form the year, Miles Teller sheds some preconceived notions about him, and the story is insanely good. This movie will either make you love jazz music or at least appreciate it. If you see nothing else from this year, see this.

That's it from the best, tune in tomorrow for the worst. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Most anticipated movies coming out in 2015

Hello all, due to this week having no movies that were released in a theater near me, I decided to be productive in another way. You are going to be seeing a lot of lists come out this year, from a lot of different critics. I will not be releasing my "Best and Worst of 2014" list, until January; but, there are a shit ton of movies coming out in 2015 that I am looking forward to. Whether the premise has me intrigued, or the trailer has me frothing out the mouth for more, these movies are what I am looking forward to in the coming year. This list is based off of movies on IMDB, and might change their release date, or plot. With that in mind, let's get hyped up.

12) Jurassic World

Okay, so there is a lot of controversy surrounding this movie. Some people think the dinosaurs should have feathers (don't care if that is more realistic, it is stupid, stop trying to turn velociraptors into big chickens), some people think the hybrid is a stupid idea, and some people think that having trained raptors is impossible. For me, this movie looks fascinating. The plot is that they actually made Jurassic World, and the new generation is so preoccupied with technology that they think dinosaurs are boring (kids today, am I right?), so the scientists at Jurassic World try to make a new dinosaur in hopes it will bring customers back. The side of me that loves dinosaurs is looking forward to seeing Chris Pratt with a gang of raptors, and I am just really (weirdly) excited for this movie.

11) Terminator: Genisys

Old Arnold vs. CGI 1980's Arnold? Do Cyborgs age? How bad ass is Sarah Conner now? Is this T1000 enough to revive the franchise? There are a lot of questions surrounding this movie since the trailer was released. If I was to venture a guess about this movie I would say. Arnold is redoing every movie he ever starred in (it seems), and they are getting desperate for a box office so they brought back the T1000. Even if this movie is just a search for box office dollars, and we are treated to some BS reason as to why we have an old, flabby Terminator, I am still excited.

10) Ant Man

Only reason this is on here right now is because Marvel has yet to thoroughly disappoint me with their new run of movies. I (like most of the world) could care less about Ant Man, and as integral to the comics as Hank Pym was, I am still glad they are going with Scott Lang instead. Pym was the original creator of Ultron, I get it; but, he was also a very dark character, and I would have a hard time believing Paul Rudd could be too dark. This movie has been the victim of bad press since Edgar Wright left the production, so I want to see what movie pushed Edgar away.

9) Peanuts

The trailer sold me on this movie. The art style looked awesome, the peanuts sounded great, and it just had a general feeling of "yeah, this is Peanuts." It seems like they are going to do the old strip some justice, and I can't wait to see a new generation of Peanuts lovers. Another thing that has me intrigued is that I don't see any big acting names attached to this, which leads me to believe that they are going for authenticity.

8) In the Heart of the Sea

Another example of the trailer (and movie poster) selling me on the concept of a movie. Usually, I would see Chris Hemsworth attached to a movie based on Moby Dick and roll my eyes (which I did, when I first heard about this). Now I am filled with questions. Are they going to make Moby Dick the bad guy, or the captain, or both? Is Cillian Murphy going to get the attention he deserves? Are they going for just visual appeal, or are they going to stick to some appealing story? This movie has an opportunity to scare me as well. I don't know why, but I used to have dreams about being trapped in the middle of the ocean, and something very large swallowing me whole.

7) Jupiter Ascending

From Hemsworth to Tatum, from Olde English to Sci-Fi. This movie just looks fascinating. Very rarely do the Wachowshi's disappoint, so when they announce a new movie they have a good amount of my attention. All I know about this movie is what the trailers have revealed to me. Battle for the throne of a different world, someone on this world is the reincarnation of royalty, aliens might have been here before humans came along, Scientology is a fiction book, I get it. Let's see what you can do to impress me when this comes out Wachowski's.

6) Inside Out

I honestly didn't need a running reel of credited films Pixar was responsible for to be excited for this movie, the premise does just fine by me. This has the opportunity of being an unbelievably depressing movie, and if there is one thing Pixar does right it is making kids depressed. The cast of this looks amazing, and Pixar could use a win.

5) Tomorrowland

Disney seems to be on this kick where they love promoting science. This movie might be the culmination of everything they have been working towards. It might be another movie based on a ride from their theme park, and they might be trying to make lighting strike twice like they did with "The Pirates of the Caribbean" series, but, color me interested. Going to see more ideas from Disney on what the future will look like.

4) Chappie

I have loved Neil Blomkamp's film career thus far, so when he starts a movie where it is basically "Short Circuit meets District 9," I'm going to be excited. He hasn't done wrong by me yet, and I haven't seen him do a movie about a robot yet. He is visionary director, so I'm sure this movie will be gold.


New James Bond movie with Christoph Waltz playing a villain. Need I say more?

2) Avengers: Age of Ultron

Joss Whedon is back in the directing chair for this sequel to Avengers. They found a way to introduce Ultron without having to introduce Hank Pym. Hulk Buster Armor. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. No scenes of The Vision yet, but that might be a spoiler thing. Andy Serkis. How can someone not be excited for this movie?

1) Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens

I am a big Star Wars geek. I may not be a J. J. Abrams fan, but even with him at the helm of this project I am excited for more Star Wars. Everything I have heard about this movie, makes it seem like they got it right. I love the new lightsaber, I love that John Boyega looks to be the main character here. I love the Millennium Falcon. I love the Ball Droid. It looks like they mixed old and new seamlessly, and didn't overdue the CGI. This movie might turn out to be what every Star Wars Fan has been waiting for.

May the force be with you,

Honorable Mentions   

Hot Tub Time Machine 2
The first one was fun

A movie where I can enjoy Will Smith without suffering his kids

Furious 7
The Fast and The Furious movies are always a bit out there, so I can't wait to see them try to top themselves again

Pitch Perfect 2
Again the first one was fun.

Mad Max: Fury Road
Tom Hardy taking the place of Gibson? I'm down.

Ted 2
Again the first one was fun. Even if McFarlane hasn't been on his game lately.

Dark Peter Pan origin story? Cool! Say what you want about Black Goatee the pirate, Hugh Jackman and Rooney Mara will do well

Been interested to see where Emma Watson's career is headed. Hopefully this is a good step.

Jack Black as R. L. Stein makes me very nervous, but I am a child of the 90's. If you are telling me the niece of R. L. Stein is going to team up with some kid to defeat characters from The Goosebumps, you can take all of my money.

O.K. Gamers are recruited to take on 1980's video game characters. Movie companies haven't gotten gamer culture right yet, I'm hopeful they do this time because that premise seems awesome.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Special Edition: Top 12 Robin Williams movies

Hello and welcome to a very special edition of Dustin's Dirty Dozen to honor a recent loss in our entertainment industry. Robin Williams was a man with a large, eclectic body of work that has touched many people of my generation and earlier. From voice acting to comedic stand up, from comedy to suspense he has truly left this world with a body of work to be remembered for generations to come. My goal today is to touch on what I feel are his best performances in the film industry. So, let us get this memorial started.

12) "Toys"

Giving us a good impression of Robin Williams' wit, we start our list off with "Toys." A movie about a military General who inherits a toy company, leaving Robin Williams and friends to keep the toy company in tact before the general tarnishes it. This movie showed us how child like Robin Williams could be, and how quick his delivery is.

11) "Popeye"

One of his earliest (or first attempt) to get to the big screen Robin Williams gave life to this cartoon in ways no one imagined. We saw how good he could portray a different face, and how far he could take it. Without Williams this movie would have definitely been easily forgotten.

10) "Awakenings"

Showing us his more serious side, this movie is still shown to psychology classes in high school when the teacher doesn't have a lesson plan for the day, or there is a sub. This movie shows Williams as a doctor in charge of mental patient Robert De Niro, which I always thought was a charming a bit of role reversal when I first saw it (since his roles in the past suggested that he would have made the perfect mental patient).

9) "Jumanji"

A pleasant moment from my childhood, "Jumanji" brought us a board game that made the effects of a wild jungle come to life. This movie was so well received that it was made into a cartoon serial sometime later, which you could have taken or left. Despite the lack of technology available during it's release this movie still holds up with the adults that saw it as a child.

8) "Hook"

There are quite a few people that can remember Robin Williams' interpretation of an adult Peter Pan, even though it was heralded as a critical disaster. Whether someone says "Hook" and it makes you break out into the chant "Hook, hook, give 'em the hook" or you just want to scream 'Bangarang!" at the top of you lungs. There is no denying that this movie registered with children of all ages, despite the fact that I still wish I could remember all of Robin Williams' insults to Rufio.

7) "What Dreams May Come"

One of my favorite interpretations of the afterlife this movie always manages to reinstate my faith of something yet to come. A brilliant design team at the helm made this movie not only memorable; but, also a work of art to behold. Filled with enough twists to make M. Night Shyamalan wet his pants this movie became a roller-coaster and we all loved the ride.

6) "Dead Poets Society" 

Another movie used as a a lazy day for teachers (this time English teachers) this movie has been remembered for giving us the teacher we always wanted. I actually have talked to a few choice people that used this (among other movies) as their reason for perusing a career in education. Regardless of if it made you want to teach, made you laugh or made you cry there is no denying that this was one of his finest works.

5) "Good Morning, Vietnam"

This movie finally gave us a look at just how many characters Robin Williams could portray when he took on the role of a DJ that was deployed overseas during the Vietnam War. To me, this movie was the role that launched Robin Williams' career, and gave us the best look at his true talent. To this day, it can still brighten my mood and make me laugh.

4) "The Birdcage"

Even among the great talents of Gene Hackman, Nathan Lane, and Hank Azaria, Robin Willaims still shined in his role of a gay cabaret owner. He gave us an insightful look at the life of a gay man trying to play straight for the benefit of his son. He also gave some inspiring speeches for the benefit of LGBTQ community after its release, and I can only assume that this movie had a fair amount to do with the reasoning.

3) "Mrs. Doubtfire"

Probably one of his most notable roles among the rest on this list we all can remember the time Robin Williams dressed as an old woman. This movie not only gave us a good message about smoking (which I didn't listen to), and a message about keeping true to your values in the first five minutes. It let us know the reasoning behind divorce in a time where divorce was every where, and showed kids that it had nothing to do with them.

2) "Aladdin"

Probably the most amount of characters Robin has portrayed in a movie, his quick timing and wit put animators to the test of keeping up with him. The final count of characters in this masterpiece was supposed to be in the ballpark of 52, which should be a triumph to any actor. This movie has lit my T.V. Screen multiple times every year, and never gets old.

1) "Good Will Hunting"

Of course the movie that got Robin Williams the "Best Actor in a Supporting Role" award at the Oscars was going to be number one on this list. It is still one of my favorite movies, regardless of what comes out because it was so smart. It may not have been Robin Williams in a comedic role, but it was Robin Williams at his absolute acting best.

Honorable Mention(s) )

Robin Williams plays a serial killer

"FernGully: The Last Rainforest"

Robin Williams is the voice of a bat


Robin Williams is a grown child, true to himself

"Patch Adams"

Robin Williams is a doctor

"Bicentennial Man"

Robin Williams is a robot


Robin Williams is the voice of a robot

"House of D"

Robin Williams is mentally handicapped

"Happy Feet"

Robin Williams is the voice of a penguin

"Night at the Museum" series

Robin Williams is Teddy Roosevelt


Robin Williams is an inventor

"Moscow on the Hudson"

Robin Williams is Russian

......and more