Saturday, October 19, 2013

Top 12 Scariest Horror Villians

Hello, loyal readers and welcome to another edition of Dustin's Dirty Dozen. This week it is my job to get all of you cos-players even more pumped up for Halloween, and share with you the top 12 Scariest Horror Villains. Now, just to get this out of the way this list is based off of what actually terrifies me, whether based upon the concept of the characters or the movies actually having scared me. It is not based off of the most iconic or what society deems the scariest. So, you will not see Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers on here, since they did nothing to actually scare me, and if you were reading this to see their names on here I apologize for wasting your time. So, to not keep you in suspense any longer, let's get this fright-fest started.

12) Norman Bates (Psycho)

"They're probably watching me. Well, let them. Let them see what kind of person I am. I'm not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching... they'll see. They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, "Why she wouldn't even harm a fly..."

The quote above tells you everything you need to know about Norman Bates. He is the most mentally insane character I can think of to date, and that says a lot given that he was conceived over fifty years ago. The film "Psycho," as well as its main character Norman Bates hit a double header in the world of horror, when it was introduced to audiences. It made people scared to take a shower without keeping the curtain at least a little open, for fear that a knife wielding maniac would kill them. It also, made watchers think twice about stopping at the cheap motel on the side of the road. It instilled both fears in me when I first watched it and I wasn't able to get back to reality for months. I still leave the curtain a little open, out of habit. 

11) Regan MacNeil (The Exorcist)

"Your mother sucks cocks in Hell, Karras, you faithless slime."

All possession movies to date have aspired to be another "The Exorcist," and not one has even come close to capturing it's horror. While it didn't instill any superstitious habits in me (like the movie above), its main character did give me a serious case of the willies. Any time a girl can turn her head all the way around and spew green bile on you, is the time you need to put the bitch down. Between her yelling obscenities and masturbating with a crucifix, I just don't know what could possibly have been her saving grace. Oh yeah, that's right, she was still an innocent little girl underneath the horribly scared face and drooling facade. So, the thing you have to ask yourself is: would you fight tooth and nail with an old priest and young priest to get your daughter back from the demon wearing her face? Or, would you just pop-a-cap in her and make another?

10) Jack Torrance (The Shining)

"Here's Johnny!"

My guess would be that a lot of people have had the fear of their father going crazy and killing their family. Well, my guess would be something along those lines after watching "The Shining." Jack Nicholson has always had the air of creepiness surrounding him (even in his dramatic roles), and it is put to no better use than as Jack Torrance. The ax wielding psychopath helped give audiences a second thought about dear old dad and the nuclear family lifestyle. He made us think of what we were willing to do to the man that raised us, and if we would be able to physically do whatever is necessary. I know Stephen King (the writer of the book, "The Shining" was based off of) disowns this movie saying that it ruined his book, but it still found its way into the vault of horror classics.

9) Dr. William Weir (Event Horizon)

"You know nothing. Hell is only a word. The reality is much, much worse."

"Event Horizon" is probably one of the most undersold horror movies of all time, and nothing says that more than its main antagonist Dr. William Weir. When you take my favorite genre of film and make into a horror it is bound to creep me out (unless you're Apollo 18), and none are creepier than this. The haunted spaceship taking control of its biggest supporter, and turning him against the crew. Allowing him to enter the minds of his crew mates as a disgustingly mutilated man to torture, and eventually kill them all. Its the Amityville horror house creating Freddy Krueger, and I love it.

8) Damien Thorn (The Omen)

"Look at me, Damien! It's all for you."

The creepiest kid in the world and son of the devil to boot. From making the nanny kill herself, to running people off the second floor balcony with his tricycle, Damien has made his way as a classic in the world of horror. Where Jack Torrance makes you question your father, Damien Thorn makes you question your child, which is a far more terrifying concept. Giving birth to something, after carrying for nine months, to think that the thing you put so much hope and love into might secretly want to kill you. Let that thought roll around in your mind before you get knocked up at fourteen, ladies. 

7) Samara Morgan (The Ring)

"Seven Days..."

The last great horror film of the current generation, "The Ring" gives us a little girl to haunt our nightmares and television screens. If they haven't remade this movie into something more probable by today's standards (like putting the video on Youtube, as opposed to a VHS) I consider it a missed opportunity. I think everyone remembers the scene that earned this character a spot on this list. She came out of the screen and you all jumped because you thought she was coming out of your screen (there's no shame in it, no need to lie). When my television is no longer safe to watch I may as well pack my bags and learn to live on the land, or else I'm screwed.

6) The Poltergeist

"They're here."

Where all possession movies to date try to be like "The Exorcist," all haunted house movies should at least be trying to match "The Poltergeist" (or "The Amityville Horror"). Sadly, most haunted house movies today are horrible, so I guess I'm stuck with watching "The Poltergeist" for the millionth time this Halloween. The reason this ghost beats all current apparitions is because it was just so brutal and unforgiving. Where most haunted house movies lead you up to the moment when you finally see the specter, or the ghost finally makes physical contact with the living humans, this haunted house flaunts physical contact with living humans and specters throughout and is made all the scarier because of it. There was even a rumor of the movie cursing its actors since after working on the movie the actors started dying. So, take that "Paranormal Activity."

5) Pinhead (Hellraiser)

"You opened the box and your soul belongs to me."

I think the concept of Pinhead is so terrifying because, originally, there was no way to beat him unless you offered up another soul for him to take. The first "Hellraiser" made pinhead, and his cohorts out to be travelers, but they seemed more like like gods addicted to torture. If the concept of a sadist/god does not scare the pants off of you, than feel free to not read the rest of this article. The movies may have gone down hill after the first two installments, but the character remains terrifying, especially when played by Doug Bradley. This series was the original, mainstream gross out film, applying just the right amount of gore without it taking away from the rest of the film. The moment Jason Voorhees can act like he derives some sort of sick pleasure out of torturing and killing people, instead of just robotically (heh, Jason X) taking a machete to them out of some misguided moral obligation to his mother, he can be on this list. 

4) Jaws

"You're gonna need a bigger boat."

This movie is not only a horror classic, but a classic in the world of cinema, which is a big deal for horror movies. From the score, to its brilliant director, this movie scared audiences across the globe, and earned appreciation from the academy. Not only making people afraid to go in the water at the beach, but in some cases making people afraid to swim all together, Jaws has earned his space up here. I just love that most horror icons are some sort of unrealistic fable, but this is something that actually exists in the world and it scared people out of a popular entertainment venue. Viewers were constantly looking over the waves for a fin or underneath them for a hulking, behemoth to tear their leg off. All the appreciation in the world to Steven Spielberg for creating this masterpiece and clearing out the beaches of Amityville harbor.

3) Pennywise the Dancing Clown (Stephen King's It)

"They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!"

I know I scared someone with the picture above, and for good reason this guy was absolutely terrifying. He is the reason why there is a fear of clowns in the first place (not feared by me, but it is out there), and given to us again by horror master Stephen King. If "Psycho" didn't make you afraid to take a shower, than the shower scene in this should, with the clown popping out of the drain in the boy's public restroom. In some ways, I guess he wouldn't be nearly as terrifying without the masterful acting portrayed by Tim Curry. The effects may be a bit dated and it may have been a television mini series as opposed to an actual movie, but Pennywise scared so many (to include myself) that I couldn't think of anyone better deserving of my top three.

2) Chucky (Child's Play)

"Hi, I'm Chucky, wanna play?"

Chucky is one of the most simplistically evil characters to date. Especially, when you look at his first movie and realize that the cast was basically just throwing a doll back and forth, acting like they were being attacked. His more recent movies like "Seed of Chucky," were portrayed as more of a comedy than horror but the first three will always scare people no matter how dated. Dolls are creepy even without the soul of a killer in them, so it is only natural to be scared by one that moves around wielding a kitchen knife. With his latest movie "Curse of Chucky," trying to take the series back to the land of horror, we can only hope that this series will be revitalized and it's icon with it. To answer an unasked question more than likely clouding your troubled minds, no, I didn't put Chucky so far up on my list because of Jon Gruden coaching my home professional football team.

1) Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you. Three, four, better lock your door. Five, six, grab your crucifix. Seven, eight, gonna stay up late. Nine, ten, never sleep again."

Our fedora wearing, horribly burnt man with knives for fingers made it up to the scariest villain of all time. I cannot stress enough just how much I love sleep. If sleep were a person I probably would have married it, and had many little naps running under foot by now. So if you make a villain that can trespass into my dreams and kill me, than I am guaranteed to be scared. Robert Englund is our usual actor of choice for Freddy and even when played by Jackie Earle Haley the character is intimidating. I know that the movie series has lasted for almost thirty years now and many of the sequels have suffered due to its longevity, however even though his character became more of a comedian in later years the way he killed was always creative and perfect. The last real sequel "New Nightmare" was one of the most creative works I had seen from the series, playing off the character to be made up and seeing what it would be like if he came to life. Good luck sleeping tonight everyone, you'll need it.

Honorable Mention) The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (Ghostbusters)

"We've been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft's okay! He's a sailor, he's in New York; we get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble!"

Okay, so he really isn't that scary but I figured that a break was needed from all of the terror. Plus, the concept of your childhood idol coming to life and killing everyone in a city is kind of creepy.

Next time on Dustin's Dirty Dozen: Top 12 Horror Remakes. If you ever saw Scream 4 you know that there are a lot of them.

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