Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Top 12 Non X-Men roles of the "X-Men: Days of Future Past" cast

Hello loyal readers, and welcome to another installment of Dustin's Dirty Dozen. I recently watched the trailer for "X-Men: Days of Future Past," and got so excited for the movie that I decided to make a list based on the slew of amazing actors/actresses they have in it. I took the best roles of the most noteworthy cast members and stacked them against each other. The winner in this instance is the best role between all of the others. I will not have Anna Paquin on here, since her most noteworthy role (aside from X-Men) is playing a girl with a vampire fetish on a horrible television series. So, let's get these mutants lined up and numbered off.

12) Nicholas Hoult "Hank McCoy/Beast" - R "Warm Bodies"

I know. This movie was basically "what if the hipster community got turned into zombies," or "Twilight" with zombies instead of vampires," but it was either this or his small role in "About a Boy" with Hugh Grant. Thought I'd put the starring role up here, since the movie may have been mediocre at best but his role in it was pretty good. It's worth a gander for him and him alone, which says a lot about his acting credibility. Some other movies you might want to check out with him in it are the aforementioned "About a Boy," and "Clash of the Titans." With a track record like "Warm Bodies" and "Clash of the Titans," it's easy to condemn this guy as a bad actor, but he really isn't. A movie to avoid, above all of these others is definitely "Jack the Giant Slayer;" the other movies at least can be redeemed by something. "Jack the Giant Slayer" cannot be redeemed by anything.

11) Daniel Cudmore "Piotr Rasputin/Colossus" - Master Chief "Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn"

I may have fallen out of love with the "Halo" franchise, but this movie was at least a small break from the overwhelmingly bad video games (like "Halo 4" and "Halo Wars"). I am pretty sure he didn't have any lines in this (since he was voiced over) but he looked like a bad ass in the armor, if nothing else. He hasn't done anything aside from this and X-Men that is really worth mentioning for you all to go see; however, a movie series to avoid is the "Twilight" series where he plays one of the vampire guards (Felix) to The Volturi.

10) James McAvoy "Young Xavier" - Mr. Tumnus "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"

This movie may have been just another attempt at shoving Christianity down our throats (much like the book series it was based off of), but it was still good. James McAvoy as Mr. Tumnus was a fantastic choice, and he showed us just what it means to be a chameleon with his portrayal. Some other roles that you would like with him in are: "The Last King of Scotland" wherein he plays Dr. Nicholas Garrigan, or "Shameless" (the 2004 British television series, not the new one with William H. Macy, although that is worth a watch as well) wherein he plays the role of Steve McBride. One to avoid is in the movie "Wanted," wherein he plays Wesley. That movie may or may not make you lose a few IQ points as a result of watching it. 

9) Halle Berry "Ororo Munroe/Storm" - Miranda Grey "Gothika"

This was a great movie (despite the press surrounding it), if nothing else for its originality. Halle Berry has a seemingly endless list of great movies, and her fair share of bad movies, so picking this out of the rest was no easy task. I just liked it. I can never fault a movie for trying to take risks and those risks paying off. The movie was made all the better by her supporting cast: Penelope Cruz, John Carroll Lynch, Bernard Hall, Charles S. Dutton, and Robert Downey Jr. (that's right, Iron Man was in it). Some other movies that you should see with her in it (if you haven't already) are: "Monster's Ball," "Die Another Day," "The Last Boy Scout." and "Cloud Atlas." The movie over all others that you need to stay away from is "Catwoman," a movie that almost tanked her entire film career (for good reason).

8) Shawn Ashmore "Bobby Drake/Iceman" - Ged "Earthsea"

This is a prime example of not reading the book and not having any preconceived notions of what it should live up to. This was an old mini series put out by the "SciFi" network and astounded me with its creative story line and brilliant acting. Shawn Ashmore put forth an A effort with his portrayal as Ged and was only topped by Danny Glover's portrayal of Ogion. I haven't seen many of his other movies, so I will just say "The Ruins" was decent enough (in a new age horror sort of way), if you want a place to start delving into his acting history.

7) Ellen Page "Kitty Pride/Shadowcat" - Ariadne "Inception"

Christopher Nolan has a habit of making incredible movies, and "Inception" is just another great example of his film genius. When you take the interesting story line of going into a person's dream, and getting information that you wouldn't be able to get while the person is conscious, it stands out. Then you put brilliant actors in it and the movie earns a place as an instant classic. Ellen Page might not have been the best out of the rest of the supporting cast, but she definitely wasn't bad. She made her mark with this movie, showing that she was ready to play in the big leagues. I can only hope that people see that one day and give her more leading roles. Another great movie to watch with her as a starring role is "Juno." A movie to avoid with her as the starring role is "Whip It," unless you have some sort of weird skating fetish. 

6) Micheal Fassbender "Young Magneto" - Lt. Archie Hicox "Inglorious Basterds"

The character that taught us the difference between the German "three sign" and the American (or British) three sign, and the consequences of not knowing that difference in WWII Germany. If you're a Quentin Tarantino fan you will love this; if you are in the mood for a Jewish revenge film you will also love this. If you like cinema at all you will love this film, because it just does everything right. The dialogue was intriguing, the acting was superb, pretty much every way you can look at this movie made it a hit. Another couple of things to look at for Micheal Fassbender are: "Prometheus," "300," and "Band of Brothers." I haven't seen anything absolutely terrible from Fassbender, but I guess the closest you can come is "Jonah Hex," which still wasn't bad, just not great.

5) Hugh Jackman "Logan/Wolverine" - Robert Angier "The Prestige"

Another original movie from Christopher Nolan where he introduces Hugh Jackman to his cast from "The Dark Knight" trilogy and tries to make a little magic. Actually, he tries to reveal the dark secrets to the behind-the-curtain lives of magicians in the early 1900's. Selling your tricks, the fallout from a trick gone wrong, and the set up of the trick (where the final level of the set up made the name of the film). He goes even deeper into some of these magicians lives, showing us the pain of their loss, the devotion to their craft, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to avenge someone that was lost to you. He does all of this in a little over two hours and leaves the audience speechless, until they start to applaud for the movie being so astounding. Hugh Jackman is an amazing actor and no movie shows this more than "The Prestige;" however (much like Halle Berry) he has done his fair share of crap. Some examples of this crap are: "Australia" and "Real Steel." He is not bad in them, of course; they were just bad all by themselves. Some good examples of his previous works are: "Prisoners," "Butter," and "Swordfish." No. "Swordfish" is not on here because you get to see Halle Berry's tits. Perverts.

4) Jennifer Lawrence "Young Mystique" - Katniss Everdeen "The Hunger Games"

This movie (above all others) made Jennifer Lawrence's career. Thankfully, she is not letting the role define her career. She has five movies unrelated to "The Hunger Games" coming out in the next two years. As well as making other quality features since "The Hunger Games" came out. This movie made her a superstar for a reason. It was good. Plain and simple, this movie was good. It had action, drama, suspense; so many wheels turning at the same time that any other movie might have been overwhelmed, but this one came out all the better for it. Say what you want about the girl's "weight" (that is in quotation's because she isn't over weight, obviously) but she can act. Over her career she has shown us that she can play any role, and play it well. Katniss isn't an exception to this simple fact and neither is Mystique. Some good movies you can see from her are: "Silver Linings Playbook" and "Winter's Bone." One, not-so-good movie you can feel free to avoid is: "The House at the End of the Street."

3) Peter Dinklage "Bolivar Trask" - Tyrion Lannister "Game of Thrones"

Yes, the little guy from "Game of Thrones," is going to be in the new X-Men movie. I need you all to appreciate how awesome this is. Bolivar Trask could have easily been handed off to any normal sized actor (and I'm sure there are little fanboys out there that are going to call for a normal sized actor so that it will go along with the comic book) but they didn't. They saw this man's amazing acting skill and took him to play a pivotal role in a major blockbuster. His character in "Game of Thrones" is my favorite (of course). I join the fairly large amount of other fans in loving and identifying with him, hoping he makes it through to the end. He doesn't have a spotless record, but (the same as many of the other actors on this list) he acted well in whatever else he has done. "Find Me Guilty" is not only an example of a great movie, but shows us that Vin Diesel might be what I like to call "an actor." "Tiptoes" on the other hand, is quite possibly the most horrendous movie ever brought to life by American cinema. Seriously, it's awful. I don't have time to go into exactly why it is horrible, do some research into the plot and story line, that might explain it. Just don't watch it. Above any other movie I have told you to avoid I stress this one the most, so if you have any respect for me, not to mention yourself DO NOT WATCH "TIPTOES!"

2) Sir Ian McKellenn "Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto" - Gandalf "The Lord of the Rings" or "The Hobbit"

Sir Ian McKellen has filled his portfolio with amazing cinema, and no role has defined his career more than playing Gandalf the Grey/White. This trilogy is the best trilogy to come out of this millennium, and shows us just how much talent director Peter Jackson has when given the correct material to work with. Gandalf is one of the most memorable characters in the series, due to his wise nature and bad ass fighting skills. He also avoided death and came back to his friends more powerful than before (take from that whatever Jesus references you want) so that cemented him as a character not to be messed with. Sir Ian McKellan just can't act badly in anything, it's not in him to put forth any less effort than 110% when playing a part. He has done bad movies like "The Shadow," but his scenes in them made the movies watchable. Even then, he makes up for those bad movies by doing great ones like "Gods and Monsters" and "The Da Vinci Code"

1) Sir Patrick Stewart "Professor Charles Xavier" - Captain Jean-Luc Picard "Star Trek: The Next Generation"

If you want to see a picture of a man who has never done a bad role, look at the picture of Patrick Stewart above. He is the captain of the Enterprise; he is Professor Xavier; he is Captain Ahab; he is Claudius for "Hamlet;" he is Gurney Halleck from "Dune;"  he is King Richard from "Robin Hood: Men in Tights," and he is an amazing voice actor to boot. He is Patrick Stewart, the man, the legend, the god of acting, and I defy you to name a person who has done more classically amazing roles than him. Why is Picard my number one? Fanboy idolization for one, but the fact that Patrick Stewart is simply the best actor on this entire list. If you need examples of good movies he has done, simply IMDB his name and look at his filmography, or just read above, dummy. If you need examples of bad movies he has done, I either have not seen them, or I'm just too much of a fan to realize how bad they are, because his acting can bring even the worst movie to the status of okay.

Honorable Mention) Evan Peters "Pietro Maximoff/Qucksilver" - Todd "Kick-Ass"

I could not find any pictures of this guy alone while he plays the role. So I'll just leave this as the guy on the left is going to be Quicksilver, should be interesting.

Next time on Dustin's Dirty Dozen: Top 12 Current Child Actors (Born 1996 or later) "Ender's Game" is coming out over here soon, that movie is all about kids.

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